Hi there, I'm David

Physics student, ML enthusiast & Future Software Develper

Python, JS and puppy lover 🐍💛🐶


About Me

About Image

Physics student and code lover. Proficient when operating Python, and JavaScript. Learning web development. Machine learning and quantum computing enthusiast. Hardworker and a great teamworker.

04+ Comunities
03+ Projects


I know some stuff

Frontend Developer

Fluent writting HTML, CSS and JS for frontend Developing.

Backend Developer

I've worked with Flask, Django, MongoDB and I am learning SQL with the MySQL workbench.


More than 5 years
Experienced programming on Python with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Scikit-Learn. Learning Tensor Flow. Some experience with JS working with API calls and asynchronous code like callbacks, promises and async/await structures. I used to write C++ code in the Olympiad.

Math & Physics

Current Career
Strong math bases with Advanced Linear Algebra, Calculus (Differential, Integral and Vectorial), Statistics, also knowledge of Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, etc... I have great teaching skills.


Some cool stuff about me, I love challenges
Education & Awards

High School

León, Gto - De la Salle Campus Américas
2015 - 2018

Bronze Medal

Guanajuato - Regional Olympiad in Informatics

Gold Medal

Guanajuato - Regional Olympiad in Informatics

2nd National Place

Monterrey - World Educational Robot Contest

1st Place

FEDEMATICAS - Math Contest

Bachelor of Science in Physics

University of Guanajuato Campus Leon

3rd Place

Hackathon - Hack-Leon Seguridad Total

3rd Place

Hackathon - Lince-Hack


Some cool projects!
Project 0 Img

Hacedor de Horarios

Fullstack web app for my Campus college mates to organize their schedule in a fast and easy way.

Project 0 Img

Socorro Bot Page

Socorro is a Telegram bot that helps with the missing people process in Mexico, I was in charge of developing, and designing, its web page, also connecting it with the Airtable database through its API. Here is the repo

Project 1 Img

Responsive Resume

Responsive Amazing HTML, CSS and JS resume page based on This project.

Project 1 Img

SpoTwipy - Shuffle!

Web App conecting Spotify and Twitter to select 5 random songs and, with a bot, tweet a musical tweet!

Project 1 Img

Color Picker

Page that uses numpy, openCV and sklearn to find the color palette of any image on internet.


Call me maybe 🎶

Email me!



León Guanajuato, México